Tuesday, March 8, 2016

16 Months :O

February 15, 2016

Hola a todos!!!!!!!!!

Well, today I have officially completed 16 months in my mission and my companion completes 14 months. I'm in shock that time has gone by so fast haha! I don't even know what to say about it!

But this week was really good and really difficult haha (Another opportunity to progress, yes!) I know that right now it is only Feburary but I don't think Los Mochis knows that because summer has come back in full force! I think we were in about the 90's this week, ahhhhhh I thought I could come back home just a little bit white, but I think I am going to come back black XP

 Valentines was fun, entering the church with our investigator and her daughter, all the members handed us heart suckers and shook our hands and gave us hugs, wishing us a happy valentines day. A few members walked into our class of Gospel Principals and hung up a huge poster full of photos of missionaries, and it was a huge thank you note. Awwwwwwww I love this ward! They know how to make the missionaries feel loved here for Valentines day =)

All in all, this week has been good, I don't know why but I am just noticing a lot of changes in me and in the mission. I have been having many opportunities to teach and help other missionaries improve their teaching skills, and its just amazing to see how they change as well. I don't know why but I cant really describe how I feel right now, I'm just really happy, even when no one wants to open their doors for us and its about a 100 degrees outside, and everyone keeps throwing challenges at us, I am happy because I know this is where I am supposed to be =) And there is no where else I would rather be then in the work of my Padre Celestial =) I love this mission so much, I don't want it to end!!!!!!

A generation of Leaders.

Our Valentines Present.

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