Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ive changed a little

February 8, 2016
Wow, this week has been so tiring but good. First we started the week off with a Leadership meeting, so we drove 3 hours to Obregón and spent the night there (WHOOOW I LOVE OBREGON I MISS IT SO MUCH!!!) then we had out meeting and took a bus back here to Los Mochis and pretty much crashed into our beds with exhaustion. Haha but I had a really cool experience while I was on the bus ride to Obregón, that really made me realize how much the mission really changes you.

When we arrived to the bus station and climbed onto the bus, I realized I was assigned a seat up front while all the other missionaries had all been assigned seats to the back of the bus. So I sat down in my seat waiting to see who would be my neighbor for the next three hours. Can you imagine who it was? Or what he looked like? It was a really big guy from Guatamala haha!

He climbed over my seat and sat down beside, and I dont know how but I was able to strike up a conversation with him about religions, and he told me the missionaries had visited him before about 10 years ago, and that he had baptized with our church, but because of work had not attended church for many years.
So I started sharing the message of the restoration. I explained to him how Jesucristo came to this earth to establish his church why he established it and then I explained how important it was to go to church and obey the commandments and how we could change and be better through repentance. Then I asked him if he remembered the steps to repentance and he told me he had forgotten it.
So I grabbed a bible and pamphlet and taught him the six steps of repentance, and he loved it! and the conversation ended like this "Hermano, will you use these six steps tonight to repent and get rid of your sins?"
"and will you go to church this Sunday so you can partake of the sacrament?"
"yes! I will go to church this Sunday!" He said with a lot of enthusiasm.

I then got off the bus, and a lady I didn't know yelled
"Muchacha! Venga!" (lady come here!)
I was a Little hesitant to walk over to her because she looked mad (the people of obregón have an angry Spanish accent that you have to get used to haha. I am not kidding!) but I walked over to her.
"I just really want to thank you for what you did back there, we need more people like you, who really REALLY preach the góspel at all times and in all places, that was amazing. Thank you so much, you really helped me." She said grabbing me and giving me a quick hug and then she quickly walked away.

I just stood there for a minute stunned, what just happened? I just taught a man about the góspel and called him to repentance, as well as this lady, in a language I didnt know before...Wow It was a moment that really made me realize how much the misión has changed me.I would have never done anything like that before... haha Whoow!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!


Hermana Orison

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