Tuesday, March 8, 2016


February 22, 2016

Buenas tardes!!!!!! How is everyone been this week? Haha this week was a little interesting.

The sisters in our zone have been having a few issues so the zone leaders and Hermana Pacheco sent me out to do two divisions with two companionships this week, so I got to hang out in two different areas this week and I got to help them find some golden investigators. I helped them to have more motivation =) haha! It was so weird not being in my area or with my companion for 3 days, I almost came back to my area and companion crying because I missed them so much hahaha =P 

We arrived at the house of a member yesterday and she told us that she needed some one to weld her fence together because the person she hired never showed up, you have no idea how tempted I was to grab the welder and start welding haha, If I wasn't in a skirt or the mission I would have totally done it! XP 
The night before our district meeting a district leader from a different district called us and asked if we could give a presentation in his district to motivate the Elders (who don't have too much time in the mission) in his district in the morning. We told him yes and the next morning we had about 20 minutes to study for our presentation for the elders. We were not sure what we wanted to teach them, until I flipped to D&C 50:13-22, and I realized that I should teach them Elder Bednar Style) Entering into the room full of elders, we pulled out this scripture and read it with them, with every two verses I shared a story or experience to help them apply the principal and recognize how important their calling is, and when we finished the training they were all silent and the room was full of the spirit. During the week we had the chance to see them put into practice what we had taught them, and hear of some of the miracles that they saw. It was a really special experience for me =) 

Tengan una buena semana!!!!! LES AMO MUCHO!!!!!!!!!!

Hermana Orison =)

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