Tuesday, March 8, 2016


March 7, 2016

Well this week has been a pretty good week, we had our leader ship meeting this week and I was able to see all the missionaries from Obregon, ahhhhh I miss Obregon! =´) And well, when we were coming to a close with the meeting, The President called me and Hermana Strong up to bare our testimony to all of the leaders because we will both be ending our missions in this transfer (but we were surprised because we still have one more meeting to attend...) I was not expecting to bare my testimony, so I had not thought of anything to say haha but the revelation came and I was able to bare a good testimony, and I DIDN'T CRY!!!! WHOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!! haha ahhhhhhhhhh I can't believe how fast time has gone by :'( 

I can now officially say that I have forgotten how to speak English, this week we received a new missionary to our zone and she is from the US and doesn't know any Spanish yet, so I tried talking with her on the phone to see how she was doing and the conversation went like:


her: "what?"

me:" I mean, how are you doing...como le fue....I mean how was your di- I mean day! How was your day?!?" 

haha my English is so bad! I cant even teach my companion how to speak English, because I don't know how XP Family! You better find someone who can translate for me when I get back, or you're not going to understand anything I'm going to say haha

I learned how to make a pie with my companion this week!!! Haha I know its sad, that I am finally learning how to cook my last transfer in the mission XP We made a pie for our bishop Saturday in the night and we took it to him and his family Sunday evening to surprise them, because they are an amazing family!! =D

So that's a short summary of my week, I love you all!!!!! Have an awesome week!!!!! =D
Love, Hermana Orison =D

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