October 5th
Wow! Can I just say I love conference!! I had the awesome opportunity to watch the Saturday sessions in English (Gringo Power whoow!!!) and the Sunday sessions in Spanish, both of them were beautiful =)
Before I watched conference I wrote a bunch of questions in my notebook (about the mission, life, etc) and the conference answered every single one of them! I love how the conference was talking a lot about the Plan of Salvation and how we can apply this Gospel in our lives. I loved the talk by Elder Uchtdorf that spoke about simplifying the way we apply the Gospel in our lives and why some people benefit from the Gospel more then others.
We will receive blessings and benefit from the Gospel when we have come to truly love it. And I mean LOVE IT! When we come to love every commandment, principal, doctrine and ordinance that is in this Gospel. When we strive to live it 110%. When we look at the commandments and apply them in our everyday lives (for example commandment 1 and 2, is to put nothing else above God, maybe you can ask yourself the question are you using your iPhone or electronics more then your scriptures?). When we truly absolutely love it, we are promised to receive blessings! We are promised to benefit from this Gospel more then we could ever imagine, in this life and for eternity! I am so happy and excited that I have the opportunity to have this Gospel in my life, and that we have Prophets and Apostles today to give us the guidance that we need, to help, improve and grow. They really are a gift from God =)
I love you all!!! Please study the conference talks and look for ways to apply every talk in your life. Every talk has at least one commitment, I invite you to looks for the commitments and apply them into your lives =)
Love Hermana Orison =)
P.s. I want to hear everyone's experiences from conference, tell me what you got out of it and how you will apply it =)
We went running to the Lagoon this morning! Whoow! (haha I think my companion is going to kill me, she hates running! =P) and we found some exercise machines by the Lagoon!! =D
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