I had the best, busy 4th of July ever!!!! We celebrated with the
Baptism of Perla!!!! WHOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I just say, she is one of
the most amazing people I have met in my mission? Teaching her has been
the best, she was definitely prepared by God and understood everything we
taught her and not only did she understand it, but she applied it in
that moment (and I mean in that moment. We taught her about fasting and
as soon as we got done explaining it she asked if we could start a fast
right there in the lesson! It was awesome!)
The day of her
baptism we went on divisions with some of the members of our ward (it
was their "MTC" activity for the month). Hehe, a little stressful for me
since I only have two weeks in this big area and it was raining really
hard. I ended up teaching two lessons with a member and then we got to
the church a little late so the baptism started a little late (Ahhh!!!).
I quickly ran into the church and took a picture with perla and then
the baptism started (yeah the picture was not very pretty because I'd
been outside running in the rain the whole day XP) but her baptism was
amazing! I am sooooo happy for her!!! =D
"Kill it! Kill
it!" She screamed, yeah I started laughing and walked into the kitchen
grabbed a container and jumped on the top bunk (yeah we have bunk beds
right now =P) and I tried catching the lizards to throw them out the
window. I got one out but the other started crawling on the ceiling and I
tried to grab it but the lizard fell to the floor almost hitting my
companion and she jumped onto the top bunk shrieking and the lizard ran
off somewhere....haha we haven't found it yet, but oh well, it will come
out eventually. I got quite a good laugh that night XD
Have a great week!
Love Hermana Orison.
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