With air thick with emotion, our eight proximate heads bowed, our hands clasped, and we keeled in a circle around the family ottoman. Then we prayed. Tired but ready all eight of us struggled out the door. We kept telling ourselves that we were prepared for this but I don't think you ever can be. Excited hearts set off into the early morning and final goodbyes were said to friends and family in town. The beginning of the car ride was full of laughter and comfortable silence. Family is nice like that, there are no awkward silences they're just comfortable. All of us had a lot on our minds and we were all thinking of what we were going to say. As we continued on, we stopped in Payson for a pit stop and we ran into another sister missionary, along with her family. Guess where she had been called to serve? Mexico! Yes it's a very small world.
In an attempt to get more pictures while we still had everyone together, we went to the Provo temple. While we were there we saw uncountable missionaries with their families, who had the exact same idea. Here are some of the shots. We will release the rest within Christmas cards.
Leesha was too nervous to eat anything so we had one last rest stop at no place other than the glorious Del Taco. Leesha just about went in by herself ..... But .. Oh Yeah!! She needed a companion. I stood outside the Del taco bathroom and waited for my sister patiently. After all , It was the last time she could be alone. (yes being with a family member basically counts as being alone) I could hardly be annoyed with her at that point because spoiling the moment would be wrong. It was very surreal and not usually the feeling you feel within a Del Taco bathroom corridor.
Our vehicle was weighted with eight bodies for the last time. By that point we had less than thirty minutes before her MTC call time. Our hearts were pounding as we finally pulled into those dreaded gates. You could tell that she was nervous , but she was smiling. Stop right there reader! Imagine being dropped into jello for three months and seeing the world in slow motion. Your thinking that everything is fine and dandy and that you have all the time in the world, then suddenly BAM!! Chop! Chop! Back to normal! That's about how it went. Fast.

We were greeted at the gate by kind people who assigned our car a pink sticky note to represent a sister missionary. Then we were directed to a very temporary parking space where Leesha was greeted by an extremely enthusiastic and welcoming sister missionary who was soon to escort her. Our host's enthusiasm, seemed almost out of place, like she didn't understand how bad it hurt. Previously I said, we aren't a real mushy, gushy family, but goodbyes bring out the worst in us. Leesha's luggage was quickly unloaded and she was ready. There was lots of hugging and tears but when it was time, it was time. We watched and cried as our beautiful sister, daughter and example went walking straight into the next chapter of her life.
We literally didn't even get to see her walk into the doors. We were moved right along by MTC security straight into the next chapter of our lives. We jumped into separate books within eight minutes tops. Is that a record? Every last word I had thought of before, had completely slipped my mind. The only thing I could think to say was "this is too soon, it's too fast." Now that I think about it I don't think I said the three most important words! I'm alright with it though. Because she already knows. <3
With all eight of us loaded back up,......just kidding I meant seven, we headed of to find the nearest comfort food. Costa vida was exactly what we needed. We were all still very emotionally wound up and just the slightest thing would set us off. Traffic, wrong orders, chasing after little ones we were like ticking bombs. For that short time I felt like we were falling apart. We couldn't have fallen apart at the MTC. Not there. We couldn't let Leesha see that. She already had enough stress riding on her shoulders and she didn't need to feel guilty about our emotions. That silly girl wasn't necessarily our glue but she was part of our puzzle, and I can't guarantee that our time at Costa vida will be the last time that the gap aches.
What's better then comfort food? Comfort shopping. Distractions. That's what we were looking for in the later half of the day. We stress shopped for awhile and laughed and yet her face was still in the back of all of our minds. The next distraction was my fathers choice. We went to Bridal Veil falls, and took in the scenery. We also had a go at the fish pond. The lord knows how many quarters we spent on fish food trying to bait the fish. Our hearts were calming down by then and we were able to believe that it was going to be okay.
My mind kept wandering back to those few minutes and the MTC. I'm grateful for that overly enthusiastic hostess who greeted us there
because even though everything was not alright, her cheesy smile reassured us. It was like she understood how we felt but was trying to tell us that things would get better. I thought about her showing Leesha to her room and giggling over components of small talk. She was just the type of person that Leesha would be slightly annoyed with but in my opinion she was perfect.
With cold hands that stunk like fish we piled into the car and we're off to our next destination of Krispy Cream. (I know,...I know, double comfort food, but it was necessary). As we drove through the autumn sun set in the the opposite direction of Leesha, we feasted on our warm glazed donuts and listened to my fathers worries. My parents relief is great but as of right now their hearts are broken and they miss their little girl. Are we worrying to much? Absolutely. But what loving family wouldn't? Did she pack enough ? What if she doesn't get along with her companion? What if she can't get the language quick enough? This is where the faith kicks in. Leesha has always been a go getter, she will do absolutely amazing. Eighteen months will fly and our beautiful missionary will be home once again.
With cold hands that stunk like fish we piled into the car and we're off to our next destination of Krispy Cream. (I know,...I know, double comfort food, but it was necessary). As we drove through the autumn sun set in the the opposite direction of Leesha, we feasted on our warm glazed donuts and listened to my fathers worries. My parents relief is great but as of right now their hearts are broken and they miss their little girl. Are we worrying to much? Absolutely. But what loving family wouldn't? Did she pack enough ? What if she doesn't get along with her companion? What if she can't get the language quick enough? This is where the faith kicks in. Leesha has always been a go getter, she will do absolutely amazing. Eighteen months will fly and our beautiful missionary will be home once again.
Wow! Great Writing! Who is the talented blogger... Larissa? Thanks for the update!