Hola Today! Como le va?
it has been a very long week of Spanish, I seriously think my head is
going to explode from learning too much haha But I did learn that
PhotoBomb is PhotoBomba in Spanish (I know sounds simple but it is so
much fun to scream when running in front of a camera!) so I think I can
go to Mexico now haha jk.
don't know if I told you last week or not but the third day here we had
to teach an investigator inSspanish and well as you can imagine it did
not go so well haha but I have taught three more lessons since then and I
actually feel like I am improving a lot with Spanish, so its really
exciting :)
the whole Spanish building is sick. All the elders in my district and
colds, I don't even know how me and my companions have not caught
anything yet (knock on wood). It feels like the zombie apocalypse
walking through these halls sometimes because everyone looks awful haha.
been participating in the choir with my companions this week (I know,
most of you probably didn't see that coming haha) We had the chance to
sing at one of the devotionals last Tuesday and it was awesome!! We our
singing in another tomorrow and its be broadcasted around the world so
you may see me and my compadres in it if you watch it ;)
Here is most of the People in my Branch :)
My awesome P-day Shirt!! (all the Elders are Jealous of it XD) and me and my companions at the temple again :)
My awesome P-day Shirt!! (all the Elders are Jealous of it XD) and me and my companions at the temple again :)

My classroom this morning.
Well, I hope you are all doing well and having fun in whatever you are doing. I love you all!!
Hermana Orison