Yesterday I gave my Farewell talk. Yes, I gave my farewell talk a month early given that the next four Sundays are: Ogden Temple Dedication, Primary Program, General Conference, and Fast Sunday...yeah the Church is really partying for the next month. But that's fine at least I don't have to stress about my Farewell anymore :)
I would post my talk for people to read, but I don't exactly write down my talk...yeah I put a few points down on a paper then just let it come to me when I get up to sorry to all those who wanted to read it ^_^""
But after my talk everyone came to my house and partied it up! My family threw the best Farewell party ever! It was great! :) We Had awesome Decorations! and lots of Fun! :D
We had a Sign in table (mainly so I could just get everyone's contact info)

And we hung up my mission pictures and the Old map we used for when I was opening up my call :)
Yes! A Pinata!! This is Hermana Dora! You have no Idea how awkward it was to walk around all of Walmart with her (I think I became one of those weird Walmart people that amuse everybody else...wasn't quite on my bucket list...) but she's growing on me :)
And then I had many of my amazing friends come over! It was the best! Love them all! :)
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