Thursday, June 11, 2015

20 Years In The Making

    June 8th 2015

      Well, it is official, I don't know how I did it, but I made it 20 years! Yep, I don't believe it either! How did I get so old, ah! I'm just going to give everyone the lay down of my Birthday since everyone keeps asking about it ;P

      So on my Birthday we had a zone meeting (yay...) and we were sitting in the chapel waiting for it to start, when my zone leaders came over to me and my Companion and told us to come with them, so we followed them out of the room and they told us to go wait in the primary room...yeah we knew something was up...

     They finally came for us and told us we could go back into the chapel, and when we entered the chapel, we saw a big sign on the white board that said "HB Hermana Orison" and there was a cake (haha three pancakes with frosting XP) sitting on the table in the middle of the room. All the missionaries sang happy Birthday to me in English and Spanish and then they made me eat a piece of the cake in front of them haha, it was awesome! =P

      Then we went to eat lunch at a members house and I guess the zone leaders had told her it was my Birthday and she brought out a huge cake for us to eat and everyone sang happy Birthday again haha

     Then we had told a family we would have a Family Home Evening with them, and when we arrived to their house, there were balloons all over! And they brought out another cake, with a sparkler for a candle! IT WAS AWESMOME!!!!! I Love this family =D

      When we finally got home for the Night, the Assistants called us and sang Happy Birthday to me over the phone! I have to say this has been one of my Best Birthdays EVER!!!! Today the other hermanas and I went on a EARLY morning Hike-run, to celebrate mine and Hermana Perezs Birthday, soo much Fun!

      I love this area and this ward! I want to thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes, they made my P'days amazing, and thanks to all who sent birthday letters too, you are the best! haha Mom I don't know how you did it but I got your Package right on my Birthday and everyone's letters =D I love you all! Have an awesome week!! =D

Hermana Orison
Some of my cakes.

 Our morning hike :)

 and another cake!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Its getting HOT in here!!!

Whoow! This week was a lot of work and some miracles too =)

  • We got to paint a house this week! Which was a ton of work! A fun fact about Mexico, all of the houses here are made out of concrete! (haha everyone tells me its weird that we build our houses out of wood). So here in Mexico people paint the outside of their houses all the time (that's why there are blue,pink, yellow, and a load of colorful houses) So we went to the house thinking we were just going to paint it but found out that we had to scrape all the paint off first. So what started as a 2 hour job turned into a 5 hour job!  But, at least I got to wear jeans and the little old me was happy haha =D

  • Danny and Luis were BAPTIZED!!! =D Okay, so they are not my investigators, but I have had to teach them a lot with my Sister Training Leaders. They have been learning about the Gospel for four months now, and it has been so amazing to watch them grow with the gospel. Haha, they remind me of when I was an investigator, we are so much alike! It's crazy! That's why my sister training leader would pull me aside and tell me to go talk with them, she would always tell me "They are not as sassy with you as they are with me, go talk to them" haha. Their Baptism definitely was the miracle I needed this week and I am excited to say they are preparing for missions, whooooow!!!! I am so proud of them =D

  • The temperature has been between 105 and 110 this week, haha working in this weather truly has not been easy, and I feel it is a miracle that I am still alive XD! Everyone keeps telling me its just going to keep getting hotter because it is only June, whoow! BRING IT ON!!! 

I love you all!! And I hope the weather is fantastic wherever you are! Have an awesome week =D

Food =P

Whoooooow P-day!!! Hola mi amigos!! We had some fun times this week:
1. We were eating lunch at a members house last thursday, and she put out a plate of sliced peppers. Having 8 months in the mission, I was sure I would be fine eating them, so I took a big slice that had a lot of seeds on it not even thinking about it and quickly put it into my mouth. Hehe ya I dont think I have cried so hard at a meal before, haha that is when they told me the seeds were the hottest part -_- and then they gave me soda to drink because thats all they have here, haha didn't help! But I am still alive! =P
2. We are teaching a family right now, that is just incredible and amazing. They invited us to eat dinner with them after one of our lessons, my companion and I didn't really want to because we just got done eating a big meal with a member and were already full, but we accepted, because we didn't want to be rude. So some how I stuffed down a plate of re fried beans and meat and was completely full.
And the dad of the family asked if I wanted more, I told him no and that I was full. But he doesn't take no for an answer, and grabbed my plate and filled with re fried beans and meat. Ahhhh, I honestly don't know how we ate it all! That's the fullest I have been in my life XP then after the meal he gave us a bunch of fruit (mangoes, oranges, bananas) to take home haha my companion asked me
"did you pray for food?"
me: "haha, no I'm pretty sure this is a sign from God that I need to eat healthier" XP
3. We had ward conference this Sunday which was pretty fun =) All the missionaries had to sing in the choir, which actually sounded really good =D

Most of the talks that were given Sunday were about The Sabbeth day and how it connects to our faith in God. If you think about it, when we attend church, it is an act of faith. It is an act of faith that we will receive personal revelation from the talks or the classes that we attend. Another act of faith is repentance, which really is a beautiful thing. It give us the opportunity too look at ourselves clearly and show us all the things we can do to be better people and to live better lives, it is a change of our thoughts and actions and a part of the repentance is the sacrament. When we partake of the sacrament we become clean of sin and we have the opportunity to start fresh again. Which leads back to attending church, one of the ten commandments of God. I know God gives us commandments not to restrict us, but to benefit us. When we obey His commandments we are free of unnecessary burdens, and live happier lives because we have the opportunity to receive the fullness of His blessings.
How amazing is this Gospel!! Love it more and more everyday!!
I love you all!!
Love Hermana Orison

My English Sucks! Whoow!


This week has been so long, but very good. We our finding a lot more people to teach that's actually progress, whoooooooow!!!! Miracle!!! Summary of my week:

  • Our District had its first English class together (Our President has really been pushing on all the missionaries to learn at least one language in their mission) And we practiced giving the first lesson to each other in English, and I was the only English Speaker in my group, so I lead it off and helped my companion out, haha it was actually really difficult to teach in English because my brain has taught this lesson so many times in Spanish that It forgot all the words in English. When we got done the missionaries we were teaching told me that I sounded like a Mexican trying to speak English, WHOO!!! I have been waiting forever for that insult!! ;)

  • I had to give a talk in our ward Sunday, and I didn't end up writing it until the night before (As a missionary in Mexico, you neeeever have free time, never!!) So I wrote my talk about the Holy Ghost because I thought we didn't have specific topics. When we went to sacrament meeting the Bishop announced that I would be talking about Obedience...yeah didn't get that memo...So I got up to the stand and said "Today I would like to talk about the blessing of Obedience, the Holy Ghost." and gave my talk and I am proud to say that people were crying during it (And not because my Spanish is bad!!) we could really feel the Spirit in that meeting =)
  • Funny surprising moment: We contacted a women outside of her house and we started teaching her lesson one and I taught her about the Baptism of Jesus and started inviting her to be baptized when she cut me off and said "Where do I go to get baptized?" I stared at her shocked and explained where a church was, but told her she needed to pray about the things we were teaching first so she could receive an answer from God that they were true. (Because I don't want anymore less actives!) She stared at the pamphlet we gave her then looked at us and simply said "I believe it is true" and then her sister walked in and women asked her Sister if she wanted to listen to the Mormons with her and her sister said "ah, I was already baptized with them" by this time me and my companion were so confused and shocked, but invited her sister to come to church too. By the end of the lesson we had an investigator with a baptism date and another less active to work with, haha miracles do happen! I promise! =D
I hope You are all doing well! Have A great week! I love you all!!!

Hermana Orison
 Me cleaning the graveyard! Whoow! Sweeping up ashes and leaves =P

The last dinner of our last transfer (yeah didn't want my Zone leader in the photo...hehe)

 Our investigator has a turtle that wanders around her house and always comes out to greet us during our lessons =D

Feliz Dia De Madres!!!! =D

    FELIZ DIA DE MADRES to all you Mommies out there!!!! 
Skyping my family yesterday was amazing! =) I love you all! When I got done Skyping, the family of the house I was Skyping in laughed at me when I got done because I had a huge smile on my face. They also told me that they understood half of my conversation because I had been speaking Spanglish without really realizing it, oops! To my family, I am sorry if you didn't understand everything that I said, the Spanish is getting to me =P

     Yesterday we also got Transfers, and I am staying in Mochis again with Hermana Serrano. Third transfer here, whoow! I feel like this next transfer here is going to be really good, I am excited for it =D 

Little Funny story: Saturday we had another mission activity where we invited all members and investigators to the church to watch Meet The Mormons, we were sad when only one of our investigators showed up. But 20 minutes into the movie, the DVD stopped working and one of the Elders thought it would be a great idea to put ¨17 miracles" on instead. I love that movie, but when you have a bunch of people watching it that don't really know anything about Joseph Smith or Pioneers, its a little weird. Especially when the first 2 minutes is of a wolf chasing down someone and a person freezing to death, AHHHH!!! Me and my companion quickly became happy that we didn't have more then one investigator there (Who asked a ton of questions, but said he really liked it. Yep, he is our Golden Investigator =) ) Gotta love the life of the mission =)

I hope you are all doing wonderful! I love you all!!

     I want to include this link to a Mormon Message (by Elder Uchtdorf of course) for all the Moms out there, you are the greatest creators, I mean you make people? How cool is that? haha LOVE YOU!!! =D
And here is a Photo of my Zone before Transfers =)

La Expiacion